Owning your own business can be an exciting endeavor. Once the initial excitement wears off, however, you’ll want to make sure that you are using a reliable system to carry you through to success. There is so much to think about when learning everything there is to know about getting off to a successful start. Make sure you don’t settle for sub-par accounting services during your new business formation. Howard, Howard and Hodges can provide you with the knowledge and resources to point you in the right direction. You can have a successful business.
We, at Howard, Howard and Hodges, can provide you with the knowledge and guidance you need to make sure you build a solid and sustainable foundation and avoid common pitfalls that plague start-up businesses, leaving them open to weakness and collapse.
Schedule A Free Consultation To See How We Can Help You Meet Your Tax & Financial Goals.
Let Us Do The Hard Work
We can help you:
- Prepare a business plan that incorporates successful modern trends in marketing, management, and finances
- Determine capital needs, sources of capital, and borrowing power
- Formulate a business structure that best fits your needs by analyzing tax advantages, exposure to legal liabilities, ease of operation, and portability
- Prepare a cash flow budget, and establish billing and collection procedures
- Assist with filing for state and local licenses and permits
- Prepare and file your application for an employer identification number (EIN)
- Comply with employment laws
- Identify business insurance needs and select employee benefits packages
- Develop effective operating and partnership agreements